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  • If you hear this arrangement, you will be automatically reminded of the late Dave Brubeck's standard 'Take Five'.

Piano, drums, bass along with Clarinet in Bb produce playful and delightful sound. 

There are 3 files to download: score for piano & Clarinet in Bb, part score for Clarinet in Bb, leadsheet for drums and bass

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Jesus Loves Me for Bb Clarinet & Piano


Product Description

Clarinet in Bb /Piano/ Drum and Bass (optional)


If you hear this arrangement in album Truly Yours, you might be reminded of the late Dave Brubeck's standard "Take Five."

This arrangement could be played with just Clarinet and Piano, and when possbile, drums and bass can be added.

Listen on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/truly-yours/id661847166

3 files / Duration 2'35"

* Make sure your computer is equipped with a program that can open PDF files (such as Adobe Reader) before you make your purchase.


재즈 뮤지션인 Dave  Brubeck 의 잘 알려진 스탠다드인 Take Five 의 느낌을 차용한 편곡으로 앨범 'Truly Yours'에 수록되어 있읍니다. 피아노와 클라리넷만으로도 연주가 가능하고 드럼과 베이스가 같이 연주하면 더욱 느낌이 살아날것입니다.

위의 itunes 를 비롯한 아래의 링크에서 샘플을 들으실수 있습니다.

멜론 http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/albumdetailmain_list.htm?albumId=2186225
엠넷 http://mnet.interest.me/album/291577

3개의 파일/연주시간 약 2분 35초

* 컴퓨터에 PDF 파일을 열어 읽을수 있는 프로그램 (Adobe Reader 등) 이 설치되어 있는지 꼭 확인하신후 구입하시기 바랍니다.



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